Iron Man 3

Spanks – 5

Director – Shane Black

Writers – Drew Pearce & Shane Black

Starring – Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Jon Favreau & Ben Kingsley

Release Date – 3 May 2013

MPAA Rating – PG-13

Run time – 130 Minutes

Iron Man 3 blows the second entry of the franchise away. I didn’t know what to expect when Marvel changed directors because that doesn’t always go so well. Shane Black brought new life to Tony Stark and made a terrific film to wrap up the first (?) Iron Man trilogy.

The film takes place a few months after the events in The Avengers. Pepper Potts is still running Stark Industries. Tony Stark has been at his home fighting panic attacks and has been just building different Iron Man suits. A villain called the Mandarin has been terrorizing the entire world. Now Tony Stark must get over his problems and become Iron man once again.

The film is much more story driven then most comic book movies. The filmmakers tell a story that focuses more on Tony Stark than the previous two films. This is not a bad thing and it works well, probably because of the acting of Robert Downey Jr. and the terrific writing of screenwriters. The movie still has plenty of action scenes to get your fix of Iron Man. The action scene with Air Force One is best one of the movie. The villain of the film is the best of the trilogy. Iron Man 3 has all the elements needed for a great film.


Spanks – 5

Director – Ridley Scott

Writers – Jon Spaihts, Damon Lindelof

Starring – Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Idris Elba, Guy Pearce, Logan Marshall-Green and Charlize Theron

Release Date – 8 June 2012

MPAA Rating – R

Runtime – 124 Minutes

Prometheus is the prequel new movie based in the same cinematic universe as Alien and takes place 30 years before the events on the Nostromo in Alien. The reason it isn’t a direct prequel is because the story about the Space Jockey race and not the aliens. The movie starts when two archeologist find the same drawings from multiple ancient civilizations and figure out that that is where live on earth came from. The Weyland Corporation funds the archeologist and gives them a space ship to travel to this world to find these “engineers”, but they have another secret plan going on.

The movie has the same feel as the first Alien movie. It has the suspense and scares like that movie. The only think about both movies I don’t like is that the beginnings are slow. Once they get going, they are awesome!

Michael Fassbender does a great job playing the android. Noomi Rapace is a strong female protagonist and her character Elizabeth Show can grow to be as strong as Ellen Ripley if 20th Century Fox lets them tell more of her story.